24 November 2007

An Actual Chinese Proverb

One written word is worth a thousand pieces of gold.

19 November 2007

Chinese Proverb

If a student informs you that you will not be teaching classes due to labor week, confirm this message with the administration or you will get a wake-up call asking why you aren't in class.

18 November 2007

Labor Week

I've discovered another joy of the Chinese culture. One of my students informed me Friday that I needn't teach 4 of my sophomore classes due to labor week. Classes from all departments rotate throughout the semester to take part in this week. Instead of class, the students spend 6 hours each day picking up trash, sweeping, working in the cafeterias, or sitting at the guards' posts at the two gates. Because Thursday is Thanksgiving, the American teachers don't have to work that day, which is when I usually teach my 5th sophomore class and a freshman phonetics class. Therefore, this week I teach only two classes, both freshmen! Ah, I have such a cushy job.

15 November 2007

Chinese Proverb

Always carry a thick novel; you'll never know how many hours you'll need to wait.