24 August 2006


i don't know if it will ever truly sink in: i climbed a stinking mountain...a whole mountain. i had no idea what to expect, but i prepared for the worst, loading my bag with water, snacks, and warm clothes. it was a 6 hour climb, but no one died. all the stress forced on my muscles receded at the first rays of the sunrise. the mountain was silent as we all watched the sun come out of hiding. "from the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised" ps. 113:3 as it began to snow, the realization hit us that we would have to climb down the mountain...and so the torture began. only a 3 hour hike down, but much more difficult and straining. i can't count the times i prayed "Lord, if i can just get off this mountain..." i was thankful to see the end of the path. nonetheless, it was a good life experience.

20 August 2006

an exerpt from my journal

for the first time since my arrival, i feel like i belong in this country. it happened one afternoon on my walk home from school. i was following a mother and her child, who were racing and chasing and giggling. at one point along the way, the little boy stopped and walked to a fence, leaving his mom on the other side of the road. he stretched his tiny fingers around the top and scrunched his head over, peering down at the unsuspecting gardener. “KONNICHIWA!!!” he shouted. by this time i had caught up to them, and as i was passing by, i glanced at the mother as if to say “what a character”. as we both smiled knowing smiles, i knew i would not forget that moment, a moment shared with a complete stranger, language barrier and all. one single moment, transcending time and matter, a true definition of humanity.

19 August 2006

jack and the beanstalk

isaac (a fellow foreign exchange student) left a pinto bean in his sink during our 3-day english camp. when we returned, there was a 3-4 inch beanstalk growing from the drain. we considered starting a garden and going into business but that would require too much effort. anyway, i thought it was newsworthy.

15 August 2006


one weekend i went to sendai to visit my cousin, annie. it was a spiritually uplifting weekend for me. as i was getting on the train, i had a very interesting experience. i had just sat down on the train and was so overcome with anxiety and fear about the future that it was hard to breathe. that is not like me at all to freak out like that. a wave of doubt overtook me causing me to question all the plans i have made in my heart for the future. the feelings i had were so strong and so intense that i almost began to cry. it was so sudden—i was caught off guard. i don’t know where those feelings came from or why or even why so suddenly. i simply began to question all of my thoughts for the future. what if these things that i want to happen pass me by? my hand instantly flew for the only place i could find help for my sudden anxiety. i looked at phil. 4:6&7, but it wasn’t enough. i needed the scripture in proverbs that says “a man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord guides his steps.” requesting assistance from God, i flipped to the book of proverbs. my eyes fell on ch. 16: “the plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.” (okay, answer me Lord) “all the ways of a man are clean in his own sight, but the Lord weighs the motives.” (okay, what are my motives?) “commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” upon reading these words, my inner peace was restored and i could breathe evenly again. i continued reading this chapter and turned the page in my bible. there it was—vs. 9 “the mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” the shallowness of my own faith was thrown in my face. did i really expect God to answer my prayer? to really help me find a scripture? i was shocked by my own doubts. beyond my human failings of faith remains the truth that He did help me. He was there guiding my hand to find the words that would soothe my soul—calm my heart. He knew what i needed to hear: commit my works to Him and my plans will be established. when i found the scripture i had been searching for, i understood what i really needed to hear—what God knew i needed to hear was found in the previous verses. could He have spoken any louder to me? i hope that this story will encourage you during any uncertainty you might be facing. just commit to Him and He’s got your future covered, man.

09 August 2006


"television is a creamy filling that distracts us from the substance of our lives." this is a quote from the book i have recently picked up. i am blessed to have no tv to distract me in my apartment. i have found more quiet time with God and more substance in my life. "without tv you can do something actively fun instead of passively distracting." tv is often used as an escape. instead of escaping to television, escape to God. walk through the woods and thank Him for every thing you see. go into your closet and pray. spend time with your family. call a friend on the phone. spending time with God and doing things for others will sustain more happiness and real joy than 30 mins of laughing at a comedy. think of all the time wasted in front of the tv. who did i bless by watching an episode of friends? whose life did i change during an hour of alias? think how the world would improve if people got off the couch, stopped eating twinkies, and did their best to change the world.

07 August 2006

encouraging missionaries

i want to send a shout out to my home congregation: Mannford Church of Christ. you are truly my family, every one of you. i have been greatly encouraged by your cards and letters. thank you for sharing God's love with me. a magazine article i read online today dealt with encouraging missionaries. it said "supporting missionaries involves more than financial commitment. it is about knowing them personally, listening to their stories, providing counsel, and caring for them in practical ways...in short, entering into their world and loving them there." you all have done that for me and i want to thank you for loving me in japan.

Umi (beach)

visiting the ocean is my favorite. morning-evening-afternoon-it's always changing, always something new to see. i feel a deep connection with the ocean, as though my life is reflected in the rising tides, the crashing waves, the soothing sounds. i have risen, i have crashed, i have been soothed by God's word. typhoons come and go, but the ocean remains. i have experienced some typhoons in my life, but God always cleans up the debris. he is always there to take care of me. i love going to the ocean, the metaphor of my life. i even have a shirt that says, "the ocean is my friend!" when i go there at night, i feel deep peace, God's peace. when i visit in the morning, i feel great strength, God's strength. it is hard for me to fathom how people can observe the magnificient power without seeing the Creator. i always see Him clearly through the ocean's mist.

03 August 2006

Hitachi Christian Camp

the short time i spent at hitachi christian camp was uplifting. i always enjoy learning and growing from pillars of faith who have been christians for years and years. will i be as wise as them someday? i sewed a pot holder or coaster or whatever it was, not because i like to sew, but because i wanted to soak in the stories of the women of faith who were sitting and chatting. a woman who had spent most of her married life serving the Lord in Japan, a woman who had served as a preacher's wife in arkansas, a woman who had faced the terrible pains of divorce and cancer. it always amazes me to see how God has worked in His children's lives. God strengthend me in the middle of the wilderness of japan. praise His name!
the theme of camp was the story of joseph. joseph knew God had a plan for his life, even in difficult times. i know God has a plan for my life, but i can't see that plan yet. i don't know His plan for me in japan, but i know that all i can do is seek to serve Him and Him alone. there is always the question of where is the right place for me to be. i believe wherever you are if you are doing all you can to bring others Home with you, you are in the right place. our Father can use you wherever you are.
"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. (thoughts of peace) Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with all your heart." Jer. 29:11-13

02 August 2006


a yukata is a summer kimono. it's not as heavy because it's made out of a light cotton material. it's fun to wear...for about 45 minutes. hours upon hours leave your tummy looking red and slightly deformed.

01 August 2006

nippon! nippon! nippon!

engrish is my favorite. where else will i see a shirt that says "for the love of buffalo" or chopsticks that say "he is my best friend he is gentle manner and heart" or a cd that says "let's knife" or a cookie called a "digestive snack" or a notebook that says "Mom Milk--mom milk is maternal affection" (what does that mean?) or my personal favorite: a lunch box that says "happy fruits is very delicious. i will eat this and will become fortunate all together!"

i reside in a society where kids learn to play the accordian and ride unicyles, where i must buy special sacks for different kinds of garbage, where i can't get envelopes at the post office but i can pay my bills, where they do specific things a specific way in a specific order just because that's what they do. sometimes it is unreal here.